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Call (304-645-2310), E-mail or Live Chat to get pricing.
The prices posted here are the lowest wholesale prices that the manufacturer allows legitimate authorized distributors to post.
If you see lower prices posted elsewhere, they are not an authorized distributor, and you won't get the same support and warranty.

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Mr. Steam Authorized Retailer
If you don't see the above logo displayed, or if you see pricing lower than the prices
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The prices on these pages are the lowest we are permitted to post, but every order gets an
additional discount, and we will not be undersold. Please call, e-mail or chat for details.

MS Max Series Steam Generators
MS Max Series

View Cart Check Out
MS Max-4E - Generator Only - $4,620.00
Autoflush Max - $399.00          
Max Drain Pan - $185.00
Generator Control Options:




This is just a sampling of Mr. Steam products that are available for this generator.

Details about the full range of Mr. Steam Residential products can be found here.

Other generator controls are available, including designer finishes.
Many other accessories are also available including aroma, sound, and lighting options.

MS90EC1 | MS150EC1 | MS225EC1 | MS400EC1

MS Super-1E | MS Super-2E | MS Super-3E | MS Max-4E | MS Max-5E | MS Max-6E